I'm Frederic, I'm growing a garden inside my Heart & Soul
I mean I planted the seed, kept watering it, and watched the whole thing happening …
and it made me think …
I’ve always been curious about the concept: ‘Engage into focused action, commit your whole to it, but do not get attached to the fruits of the action.’
This is at the heart of the teachings of the Bhagawad Gita and I believe that the formula for happy living lies concealed within this sentence.
Read that edited passage from the Gita slowly, like when you taste something savoury:
“The man who knows the principles of things thinks, “I am doing nothing”; when he sees, hears, tastes, smells, eats, moves, sleeps, breathes, speaks … he’s aware that it’s only the senses acting and reacting upon the objects of the senses …
Having abandoned attachment to the object of the senses, his actions are not stained by error and sorrow, even as water does not cling to the lotus leaf.
The Yogis work with their body, mind, and intellect, but without being over-concerned for the fruits of their work.
They perform action with their soul in union with Brahman (translates that as ‘Ultimate Reality’, ‘Principles of Life’, ‘Truth’, ‘Supreme Being’ …), and attain to immutable peace.
When the soul is not in union, it becomes attached to the fruits of action and is bound to experience peacelessness and suffering.
When the mind dwells on the objects of senses with absorbing interest, attachment to them is formed; from attachment arises desire; from desire anger comes forth.
Anger leads to bewilderment, from bewilderment comes loss of memory; and by that, intelligence is destroyed; from destruction of intelligence one perishes.”
Deep and real.
And when I look at my sunflowers, that’s what I see happening. Every flower, every tree quietly teaches us those three eternal lessons about natural things:
✨ They happen on their own and with minimum care;
✨ They happen in their own was; and
✨ They happen at their own time.
Ah, and yes, they’re beautiful 🙂
When Nature does that, we call it Self Organisation. Every living organism does that.
You just need to pay attention to plant the seeds, care for the soil/environment, and LET LIFE DO HER OWN WORK.
And the same applies to you – you know very well what you have to do; you know very well how to do it: the only thing you need is regular self-care and stop standing in the way of your own growth because you want it this way, that way, or because you’re impatient and do not know how to wait, or someone told you you should be in a certain way if you want to be loved, rich or successful.
But no, you are like my sunflower – you’re beautiful and you have everything to show it to the world.
Attachment to the fruits of works, expecting things to be in a certain predetermined way, is like trying to open a flower before it’s ready to blossom on its own – you just kill it.
On the other end, action performed without attachment to the fruits of action, is like planting the seeds, cultivating the soil and nourishing environment, and watch nature do Her wonders.
Hmmm … yep .. getting it …
And after those in the pics, the next one is coming .and it’s .. big …
PS. Those articles are written to be practiced. We do not earn by keeping your attention hooked on this site. If something has touched you in what you red, log out and go care for your life.