
I'm Frederic, you have ... and I am here to or my job is to help you ...

A few months ago I wrote about Sunflowers and how they grow so beautifully without us doing much more than watering them – the Creative Intelligence of Nature.

Today my sunflowers have dried.
They’re sitting on the table and I see that each of them has made from 50 to 100 seeds!

And it makes me wonder again:

One flower has the potential to give birth to 50-100 flowers …

A hard-core scientist will tell you it’s because the specie needs to work hard to survive; it’s scared to die so it overdoes on the reproduction size like rabbits do – babies, babies, babies …

That’s a way of looking at life: we produce and re-produce because we’re afraid we’re gonna die.


Now, if you ask a poet, a meditator, or a mystic – someone who has a certain quality of relationship with themselves and, therefore, an intimate, first-hand, heartfelt contact with the LIFE that moves within themselves, they’ll tell you it’s about GENEROSITY.

A Sunflower is like you and me: it’s a manifestation of Nature and Nature is abundant, generous – just like mom.

Since I observe how gardens live, I’m amazed to see the total lack of energy efficiency with which nature operates:

She grows zillions of things, and 90% of them go to what a factory manager would call ‘waste’ – they’re not ‘used’; they just go back to the soil so Mama Nature can produce another zillion …

It’s humbling to see that.

It puts your individual life in perspective.

It makes you feel appreciative and grateful when your life is useful to some purpose, or when you have people who appreciate you and benefit from what you do – when someone notices you and looks at you with love in their eyes.

Think of the numbers of wildflowers, honey hives, fruits, medicinal plants that, from a purely business perspective, just grow for nothing because no one will ever pick them, value them, or even notice their presence …

And still, they do – and when you listen closely, you feel they really enjoy it.

Btw, who told you life was about doing business and managing factories?
A bit of it, yes definitely. But the whole of it …

Mama says, ‘No my baby. It’s about enjoying it all; it’s about aligning to it so YOU can also produce a zillion, and give them away, and not care a bit when 95% of it seems to be ‘wasted’


The grass that turns green and lush when the rain falls is the same dry and brownish stuff that protects and feeds the soil when the summer burns everything to death.

As a parent, facilitator, trainer, teacher, counselor, lover, manager, leader, social reformer, neighbour, or anyone living/working with people and seeking to survive in your trade for more than a few year, you need to understand that NOTHING you give to your people EVER goes to waste.

They will do something with it; they will use it in their own way, at their own time.

They definitely will.

If you’re trying to open a flower before it’s ready to blossom on its own – you just kill it.

If you don’t understand that; if you expect that your people should do what YOU want them to do with what you’re giving them … you’re heading for trouble 🙂

That’s yet another very good lesson from the little community that’s living in the garden.


PS. Those articles are written to be practiced.  We do not earn by keeping your attention hooked on this site.  If something has touched you in what you red, log out and go care for your life.


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