Like a seed, you exist to manifest a unique potential & give the world this special gift only you can give;  like a seed, you grow in the soil of your mind, body & daily life;  like a seed, you need to be understood, nurtured & cared for.  You are the Seed; your life is the Soil; & you are also the Gardener.

SEEDS for Change

Self Education Empowerment Determination & Skills/Smiles/Style.

SEEDS for CHANGE is a living ecosystem of Crash Courses, Focused Processes, & Practice Groups I developed to help good & busy people become more in charge of themselves.   It’s designed to equip you with the tools you need to ‘grow’ yourself into a strong, independent, joyful, abundant, & generous individual.

The approach is to (i) Cultivate an awareness of your inner life & how it interacts with the world around you ;  (ii) Empower your heart with the Courage, Trust, & Resilience it takes to stand for your truth; and (iii) Release, Nurture the Creative Goodness that lives – & sometimes sleeps, kicks, or screams – within everyone of us.

To know more about the Program or how it all happened, click here >>.

If you’re interested in what you could start doing today to give yourself that push you need, keep scrolling 👇

The Life School

A Better YOU, One Step at a Time!

The SEEDS Study Groups are short, low-cost, action-oriented, 21 DAYS WORKSHOPS that we conduct ONLINE to achieve authentic and sustainable Personal Change through PRACTICE.

If you’re wondering where your life is going, watch your habits.  It’s not the goals you set that determine your future – it’s the behaviour you’re displaying today.  You ARE what you are, but you BECOME what you repeatedly do – what you ‘practice’.


✨  When you’re angry, bossy, or depressed, you practice anger, bossiness, or depression.  You become good at it.

✨  When you pay attention, feel easy, and act carefully, you practice attention, easiness, care, clarity and accuracy.  You become good at it.

If you understand this, you’ve achieved the one thing successful and happy people have in common:  the ABILITY to TWEAK YOUR CHARACTER & GROW YOURSELF FOR THE BETTER.

A workshop typically includes:

👉  60+ mn of RECORDED MATERIAL to cover an understanding of the topics;

👉  THREE LIVE CALLS on Zoom to process the contents and discuss implementation;

👉  Daily Prompts and PRACTICES;

👉  12/7 LIVE SUPPORT on our WhatsApp group;

👉  Unlimited Access to a lively, resourceful, warm, and supportive community.

We tackle some of those thorny issues people across the spectrum are struggling with – the type of inner disturbances that make you feel bad about yourself and have a disrupting impact in all areas of your life.

We believe the only reason why we keep our shortcomings with us is because we’ve never been told how to handle our energy, mind, and emotions.  The moment you start learning, things quickly – naturally – fall into place in proportion to how much you … practice.

If you want to learn more about the concept of practice and how we do that, click here >>

Topics we Address (counting …):

Self Respect & Self Love

Embracing & Releasing Inner child  (3 Parts)

The Anxiety Pill – release chronic anxiety in three simple steps

Transform Destructive Anger into Personal Power

Make Your Fear Your Friend

The Worry Cure

Abundance through Gratitude

Make the Most of your Mornings

Simplify Your Life

Freedom from pain with the Forgiveness Fairy

Reclaim Your Mind; Reclaim Your Life

Successful parenting that feels Good

Communicating for Solutions

Managing Laziness, Procrastination & Time

Creative, Non-Violent, Problem Solving

Making Decisions you can Trust

Heart Intelligence & the Head-Heart Connection

Inner Gardening & the Art of Meditation

The Healing mirrors of Intimate Relationships

Holistic Self Care & Self Awareness 101 – there is more to yourself than the face you see in the mirror!


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If you want to go fast, go aloneIf you want to go far, go togetherCreating a new habit is challengingLetting go of an old one is upsettingThat's why we're doing it together.

Abundance through Gratitude

29 DAYS of Insights, Practice, & Sharingto Invite Well Being, Power & Grace into Your Life.

21st JULY ~ 18th AUGUST

Registrations closed

Online Practice Groups produce genuine and lasting real-life changes.  Here are some of the topics we covered so far.  Did you miss one you would have loved to attend?  No worry, we have a replay available for you with all the videos and guided audios in the shop!

Make Your Fear Your Friend

November 2020

Fear is a messenger that comes to tell you there may be danger ahead.  It says, “Be alert; pay attention”.  Why not listening to the messenger rather than become afraid … of our own fear?

"I define myself as Fearless - Nirbhay!!  I have given so many workshops on being Fearless!  But still, some deep seated subtle fears paralyse me.  I manage them with, “My Courage is bigger than my fears!”  Today for the first time, I accepted, embraced, & literally hugged my fear … I guess we’ve become friends & it won't bother me anymore  ~  Vani, Yoga & Meditation teacher, Delhi

Embracing & Releasing Inner Child

June 2020

A 12 Steps Process to meet, embrace, reintegrate and release the energies suppressed by childhood trauma – change the relationship you have with your past to create the future you deserve.

"Thank you so much for the most beautiful workshop. I have done inner child work but your love and compassion really made such a huge difference. So so grateful!! ~  Dimpy, Counselor & Healer, Pune

Stillness & Emergence in Crisis

March 2020

When the first three months of covid lockdown started, I realised millions of people were forced into ‘retreat’ conditions without being prepared.  A retreat is a time when you face yourself.  It is something that can bring up a lot of unresolved emotions.  You need to be prepared for it.  I had done that for 10 years so I thought I should share.

Abundance through Gratitude

November 2019

The first practice group I launched and conducted whilst traveling in France in 2019.

"The benefit I experience is more than I was expecting.  My energy, my happiness and inner well being are on the rise since we started, & I see myself coping with things in a very different way - smoother, lighter, more graceful, & yet, determined & strong.

The Life School's Blog