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Here we are:

  • You live in a world of your own making before you live in the ‘real’ world. And what you make of that world – ‘your’ world – is of your own choice.
  • Our inner states of being are the soil in which our happiness grows.
  • Under similar conditions of pressure, some people collapse, others rise to the challenge.

DO YOU SOMETIMES FEEL you are living in a different world than the people with whom you share your existence?  And are you disturbed or frustrated with that?

Please, don’t.

You’ve just bumped upon one of the most basic realities of our common humanness: that we all tend to live in personal realities – mind realities – that are constructs of our consciousness.  Those realities are unique, personal and sometimes quite separated from the rest of what we loosely call ‘Reality’.

Unless you come to term with that and understand what to do with it, something remains dissatisfied in your heart.  You feel like missing’s something.  You remain disconnected from others, from Reality, and from your own self although you may live a very active, busy, buzzing social life.

Yes, most of us live in a world of our own making before we live in the ‘real’ world.  And what we make of that world – ‘our’ world – is of our own choice. You and I make that choice. And if we decide, we can make our personal reality really beautiful, meaningful, loving, abundant, ‘intelligent’ and happy.

If we want of course …

Here’s how.

We are all very busy today dealing with the complexities of making our own lives comfortable, pleasant and ‘successful’. Yet, when we look at things a bit closer, it becomes obvious that it’s not really what happens to us that really matters – the way people treat us or whether we get what we want or not. No, it is much more how we feel about what happens to us – how we experience it.

That’s our little secret:

What you call ‘your life’ is not so much about external successes or failures, but it is more about the feelings and emotions, the internal states of being, that you create and experience in response to those events.

Those responses maybe physical, emotional or psychological.  In all cases, they are ‘our‘ responses to the events of life.

You can’t always decide what happens to you, but you are always free to choose what you ‘do’ with what happens to you. And here, yes, you are free because you are the one who sets the rules.

We have all witnessed how, under similar conditions of pressure, some people collapse, others rise to the challenge and others again remain very cool, composed and comfortable, sometimes even looking as if they were on the edge of boredom.

Same external circumstances; different responses.

Yes, we share the same common ‘reality’ with our loved ones and colleagues and neighbours, but what we ‘do’ with that reality, the way we relate and respond to it is a personal choice – and that choice has personal consequences.

We are free to make our own choices and those choices have consequences

Your life is not only about where you live, the shape, size and color of your body, or your career or bank account or how much you can achieve, own, consume or buy. There is a ‘something else’ that determines whether you feel your life is worth living or not.

And this ‘something else’ is what we are going to explore together.

Before we start, let’s understand each other well: the circumstances in which you live, your body, your bank account, your health or your relationships are important. Yet be careful about the belief that they are what make you happy: it’s a deceptive myth.

Our inner states of being are the soil in which our happiness grows. Those inner states of being can be cultivated. You can ‘grow’ happiness into your life just like you grow tomatoes in your backyard or petunias on your terrace.

Your inner states of being are a creation – your creation. All you need is learn the right ‘skills’ and practice them. The moment you do that, you start developing the ability to be happy even if you do not have the right size’s body or bank account and all the rest!

You start playing an active role in the creation of your destiny.

Freedom, choice, and response-ability – the ability to translate choices into action – are an intrinsic part of your nature, just like breath, thoughts, love, sorrow, desire or the heartbeat that pulses in our chest.

We were born free. We know that. And we can choose to remain it.

We can also choose to be the person we most desire to be and live a life really love. It is only a matter of making the choice and holding the course.

Nothing really new but this is the alchemist’s stone – something that can release your inner gold and turn you into a real wizard!

Like you, i do not always manage to embody that magical formula in my practical life. But i know it never fails to get me out of trouble by opening new windows of possibility when i am overshadowed by the illusion that freedom, intelligence, love, creativity and joy are for the lucky and the strong.

The moment that illusion collapses; the moment you realize freedom, intelligence, love, creativity and joy are right here, right now, inside your ‘self – at that moment, hope, personal power, creativity and enthusiasm reclaim their position at the centre of your consciousness. They blow on the fire of your love for life and for the world – your life; your world.

Question: When was the last time you decided to be happy although external circumstances may have been heavy, … or gloomy? Tell us how you did that!


Here we are:

  • You live in a world of your own making before you live in the ‘real’ world. And what you make of that world – ‘your’ world – is of your own choice.
  • Our inner states of being are the soil in which our happiness grows.
  • Under similar conditions of pressure, some people collapse, others rise to the challenge.

DO YOU SOMETIMES FEEL you are living in a different world than the people with whom you share your existence?  And are you disturbed or frustrated with that?

Please, don’t.

You’ve just bumped upon one of the most basic realities of our common humanness: that we all tend to live in personal realities – mind realities – that are constructs of our consciousness.  Those realities are unique, personal and sometimes quite separated from the rest of what we loosely call ‘Reality’.

Unless you come to term with that and understand what to do with it, something remains dissatisfied in your heart.  You feel like missing’s something.  You remain disconnected from others, from Reality, and from your own self although you may live a very active, busy, buzzing social life.

Yes, most of us live in a world of our own making before we live in the ‘real’ world.  And what we make of that world – ‘our’ world – is of our own choice. You and I make that choice. And if we decide, we can make our personal reality really beautiful, meaningful, loving, abundant, ‘intelligent’ and happy.

If we want of course …

Here’s how.

We are all very busy today dealing with the complexities of making our own lives comfortable, pleasant and ‘successful’. Yet, when we look at things a bit closer, it becomes obvious that it’s not really what happens to us that really matters – the way people treat us or whether we get what we want or not. No, it is much more how we feel about what happens to us – how we experience it.

That’s our little secret:

What you call ‘your life’ is not so much about external successes or failures, but it is more about the feelings and emotions, the internal states of being, that you create and experience in response to those events.

Those responses maybe physical, emotional or psychological.  In all cases, they are ‘our‘ responses to the events of life.

You can’t always decide what happens to you, but you are always free to choose what you ‘do’ with what happens to you. And here, yes, you are free because you are the one who sets the rules.

We have all witnessed how, under similar conditions of pressure, some people collapse, others rise to the challenge and others again remain very cool, composed and comfortable, sometimes even looking as if they were on the edge of boredom.

Same external circumstances; different responses.

Yes, we share the same common ‘reality’ with our loved ones and colleagues and neighbours, but what we ‘do’ with that reality, the way we relate and respond to it is a personal choice – and that choice has personal consequences.

We are free to make our own choices and those choices have consequences

Your life is not only about where you live, the shape, size and color of your body, or your career or bank account or how much you can achieve, own, consume or buy. There is a ‘something else’ that determines whether you feel your life is worth living or not.

And this ‘something else’ is what we are going to explore together.

Before we start, let’s understand each other well: the circumstances in which you live, your body, your bank account, your health or your relationships are important. Yet be careful about the belief that they are what make you happy: it’s a deceptive myth.

Our inner states of being are the soil in which our happiness grows. Those inner states of being can be cultivated. You can ‘grow’ happiness into your life just like you grow tomatoes in your backyard or petunias on your terrace.

Your inner states of being are a creation – your creation. All you need is learn the right ‘skills’ and practice them. The moment you do that, you start developing the ability to be happy even if you do not have the right size’s body or bank account and all the rest!

You start playing an active role in the creation of your destiny.

Freedom, choice, and response-ability – the ability to translate choices into action – are an intrinsic part of your nature, just like breath, thoughts, love, sorrow, desire or the heartbeat that pulses in our chest.

We were born free. We know that. And we can choose to remain it.

We can also choose to be the person we most desire to be and live a life really love. It is only a matter of making the choice and holding the course.

Nothing really new but this is the alchemist’s stone – something that can release your inner gold and turn you into a real wizard!

Like you, i do not always manage to embody that magical formula in my practical life. But i know it never fails to get me out of trouble by opening new windows of possibility when i am overshadowed by the illusion that freedom, intelligence, love, creativity and joy are for the lucky and the strong.

The moment that illusion collapses; the moment you realize freedom, intelligence, love, creativity and joy are right here, right now, inside your ‘self – at that moment, hope, personal power, creativity and enthusiasm reclaim their position at the centre of your consciousness. They blow on the fire of your love for life and for the world – your life; your world.

Question: When was the last time you decided to be happy although external circumstances may have been heavy, … or gloomy? Tell us how you did that!
