Did you talk to your Inner Child lately?
If there’s nothing you can do to change what happened to you in the past, there’s a lot you CAN do to change the WAY YOU RELATE to what happened to you in the past – the relationship you have with your story.
When you do that, many things start to change for the better.
Facts are:
✨ We can’t erase the memories of whatever has hurt us, whatever we’re still obsessed with and can’t let go of either because it was too bad or because it was too good;
✨ We can’t ignore what we feel embarrassed about or hate in ourselves because of the way we messed up in some situations in the past because it still tortures us today;
✨ We have to accept and approach those parts of us, and learn to appreciate, embrace, and ‘love’ them just like YOU & I wish to be accepted, appreciated, embraced, and ‘loved’.
In terms of your inner world, it’s not the events you went through that are really important. It doesn’t really matter what happened to you or how bad you felt about something – it was yesterday and it’s gone.
But what does matter is HOW YOU RELATE TO THOSE MEMORIES INSIDE YOUR CONSCIOUSNESS TODAY – what you DO with those experiences.
Your past is a reach soil of experiences and learning.
You can use the database of the events of your life, from the most beautiful to the most painful ones, to cultivate a state of chronic misery in your life, OR to grow in wisdom, strength, self-reliance, compassion, and radiance.
It all depends on how you relate to your story – and this choice is yours.
Behind all of our inner hurts, fears, and shadows, is a pure and beautiful child that only became ugly and disturbing because we rejected it, ignored it, starved it of our attention, love, and care (which is psychological food), judged it, punished it, etc.
For some reason, we internalise the behaviour of those who have abused us – we carry on abusing ourselves long after the actual abusers disappeared from our life.
Behind every single of those wounded parts in our psyche is a radiant, beautiful, loving, and capable inner child that only waits to be released.
The moment you become a parent to those parts, transformation starts to happen, and you reintegrate the energies, the talents, the enthusiasm they were holding back and blocking.
And it feels good, very good to you and everyone else around you 🙂
All children have been hurt because what adults perceive as a ‘small thing’ can be a traumatic experience for a child.
All children can heal.
All adults can heal.